Procedures for Planning and Implementing Parent Involvement Activities

St. George Elementary School


Amy Bell, Parent Involvement Coordinator


Planning Parent Involvement Activities

At the beginning of each school year, the PI coordinator invites parents, business owners, community members and parents to be apart of the parent involvement committee. In addition to these invited members, a school wide invitation is sent to all parents who may want to join this committee by letter and by way of the Title 1 Annual Meeting. The initial meeting is a discussion of our Title 1 annual meeting plans. Additionally other ideas are presented by the PI coordinator, parents, principal, and/or all in attendance. The ideas are voted on and the PI coordinator in turn creates a tentative calendar of events to be sent home with the students and published on the school’s website. The calendar is amended if necessary throughout the year with ample prior notification. Two weeks prior to each event, flyers announcing the event are sent home with each student. Also, the SGE news team includes the announcement with our televised morning news. One week prior to the event a reminder note is sent asking for the number of parents that will be attending. Each teacher includes the announcement with classroom newsletters and all parent communications. In addition to event planning, the committee meets to amend the calendar of events for any reason.

If feedback from event surveys warrant, a meeting may be called to discuss the feedback to make reasonable changes as parents may request. The parent involvement committee meets regularly regardless of survey comments to communicate about the school’s parent involvement program. Tentative dates and committee members are listed in the Parent Involvement policy.